With your help, we can continue to support the fantastic work of our nominated charity, while at the same time making the awesome sport of roller derby accessible to more people. All profits from the event are donated to the road safety charity Brake and so far we've managed to raise over £27,000.
Brake carries out valuable work raising awareness around road safety. They also support victims and their families making them an aptly deserving partner for the Louisey Rider Cup. Read on to discover the ways in which you can support this year's roller derby tournament.
The inaugural Lousiey Rider Cup, which donates all profits to Brake, was funded by Louise's Legacy Fund. The fund itself comprised of generous donations made at Louise's funeral. Her loved ones, along with her employer Paul Smith, wished to make a contribution to the sport that played such a significant part in her life. These donations helped build a solid foundation and as a result, some clear goals were established for Louisey Rider's Legacy.
If you're interested in sponsoring the Louisey Rider Cup, we'd love to hear from you so email us at louiseyridercup@gmail.com. While we know it's not always about the recognition, in return:
We'll give you a shout out on social media
Promote you in a range of ways on the day
Mention you in any future press releases
As costs increase, any donation makes a huge impact and helps us to deliver the best possible experience for the people who travel to support this event. You'll also be joining a very elite group of supporters:
For a small fee per table and a donation to the LRC raffle, you can hire a stand at this year's Louisey Rider Cup roller derby tournament. Not only will this give you an opportunity to catch all of the action on the day for free, but you'll be able to promote your business and sell your products to the 200+ people who walk through our doors. If you'd like to know more, we'd love to hear from you.
The LRC raffle is a key part of the day with spectators, volunteers and skaters digging deep to raise money for our cause. And this is because of the fantastic prizes that are donated - we are extremely grateful to all of the companies who support us. If you'd like to donate a raffle prize for the day, please get in touch with us!